BIOMINA (Biomedical informatics research network Antwerp) is since 2022 a core facility, providing a multi-disciplinary network facilitating research and applications at the intersection of life sciences, medicine and computational sciences in the Antwerp region.
We unite research groups from multiple institutes and departments with a complementary expertise and interest. Biomina also shares expertise through training opportunities and expert services towards academic partners, research institutes, hospitals and industry. Learn more about BIOMINA.
Together with the Center of Medical Genetics (CMG) and CalcUA (UAntwerp's HPC core facility), we organize three-day introduction course to Linux, specifically for life scientists with no prior computational experience!
The next BIOMINA Research Day is in the works! See below for more information.
For the occasion of the last BLT before the summer break, the typical Belgian delicacy known as 'koffiekoeken' were ordered.
Our monthly BIOMINA lunch talks feature presentations by the community and associated researchers, showcasing collaborative work, data-analysis techniques, and applications/pipelines in development.
A yearly BIOMINA research day is hosted with representation from the University of Antwerp, other research and academic centers, but also hospitals and industry.
Additionally, courses are organized, in various (bio)informatics topics, which are taught by experts in their respective fields.
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Don't miss out on the exciting developments in bioinformatics and life sciences – sign up for BIOMINA's monthly newsletter and stay informed about our latest events, trainings, and groundbreaking research in the Antwerp region!