On this page, you can discover the events BIOMINA organizes:
Our monthly BIOMINA lunch talks feature presentations by the community and associated researchers, showcasing collaborative work, data-analysis techniques, and applications/pipelines in development.
A yearly BIOMINA research day is hosted with representation from the University of Antwerp, other research and academic centers, but also hospitals and industry.
Additionally, courses are organized, in various bioinformatics topics, which are taught by experts in their respective fields. Stay tuned!
Ceder Dens - UAntwerp:
Zero-shot retention time prediction for unseen post-translational modifications
Tom Van Deuren - UAntwerp:
Causal Machine Learning for Prescriptive Analytics in Sports
Paco Hulpiau - Howest:
Decoding life: exploring applications of nanopore sequencing and bioinformatics
Nishkala Sattanathan - UAntwerp:
Jacob Schreiber - Institute of Molecular Pathology (Vienna):
Understanding and designing cis-regulatory elements using machine learning
Joe Ibrahim - CMG:
Title TBA
Vanessa Vermeirssen - UGent:
Title TBA
Darina Abaffyová - VIB-KUL:
Title TBA
Mayli Mertens - UAntwerp:
Title TBA
Cyril Willemart - UAntwerp
Title TBA
Alejandro Sifrim - KULeuven:
Title TBA
Second Speaker - TBA:
Title TBA
Gustavo Duarte - SCK-CEN:
Title TBA
Curro Campuzano Jiménez - UAntwerp:
Title TBA