Apr 19, 2024

BIOMINA Lunch Talk 4

Prof. Hannes Svardal - EVECO (UAntwerp):

Sex, selection, and (barriers to) gene flow –the complicated evolutionary histories of large chromosomal inversions in benthic Malawi cichlids

Jonas Lescroart - EVECO (UAntwerp):

Phylogenomics of Neotropical wild cats show a history of rapid speciation and hybridization


Date: 19/04/2024

Time: 12:00 - 14:00

Location: Campus Middelheim, room G.004
(Middelheimlaan 1, 2020 Antwerp)

Registration: is required and free of charge for researchers affiliated with the University of Antwerp (see red button below).



Dr. Hannes Svardal - EVECO (UAntwerp)

Sex, selection, and (barriers to) gene flow –the complicated evolutionary histories of large chromosomal inversions in benthic Malawi cichlids


Jonas Lescroart - EVECO (UAntwerp)

Phylogenomics of Neotropical wild cats show a history of rapid speciation and hybridization

Whole-genome analyses of wild species are refining much of our knowledge of the tree of life. The evolutionary history of the most species-rich genus of wild cats, genus Leopardus (NL: pardelkatten), has always been unclear, with contrasting conclusions about its phylogeny and taxonomy arising from both morphological and genetic data. We used whole-genome sequencing data to quantify phylogenomic discordance in the genus, which enabled us to infer the dominant phylogeny, the timing of speciation events and the amount of interspecific hybridization.


About the Lunch Talks

The Biomina Lunch Talks are an initiative of a number of young researchers in the biomina network and is sponsored by the Flemish Government.

We aim to stimulate the interaction between researchers from different disciplines who encounter bioinformatics and computational biology, and consequently we focus on a broad and multidisciplinary public. With this informal medium we would like to provide a platform where knowledge and experience can be presented and exchanged, across partners from both academia and industry.

In this manner we have had the pleasure to welcome speakers from various institutes such as the University of Antwerp, the Institute of Tropical Medicine, Janssen Pharmaceutica, the Antwerp University Hospital and Open Analytics.

Last but not least, these sessions can provide a great opportunity for young researchers to acquaint themselves with new ideas and methods in the field of bioinformatics and medical informatics.

Are you interested in giving a talk yourself? Let us know!